Executive Summary
I. Introduction
Part 1
II. Overview
a. Ongoing barriers and challenges
b. International normative frameworks
III. Disability–inclusive disaster risk reduction
a. Progress made in mainstreaming disability in disaster risk reduction
b. Good practices and lessons learned in the implementation of disability-inclusive
disaster risk reduction
Part 2
IV. Outcome of the meeting: Overall conclusions and recommendations
V. Summary of the proceedings
I. Organization of the meeting
II. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030
III. Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action
IV. Human Rights-based Well-being Checklist (HRWC)
V. Disaster Preparedness for Resilience Checklist (DPRC)
電子版冊子を見てみよう 🔍
Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction: An Urgent Global Imperative.
Report of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Public Forum: Taking Action toward a Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk
Reduction Framework and its Implementation, United Nations World Conference
on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai, Japan and the Progress Thereafter
ISBN: 978-92-808-8109-7
Editors / Writers:
Takashi Izutsu (The University of Tokyo)
Atsuro Tsutsumi (Kanazawa University / United Nations University International
Institute for Global Health)
Xing Lu (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
Jin Hashimoto (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan / United Nations University)
Pascale Allotey (United Nations University International Institute for
Global Health)
Henia Dakkak (United Nations Population Fund)
Ann Erb-Leoncavallo (United Nations Population Fund)
Yoshiharu Kim (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan)
Akiko Ito (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs)